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Last update: June 4th ๐Ÿ”— Click for details

What is woc.space?

woc.space is a digital content delivery, collaboration, and AI platform dedicated to adopting a more advanced, flexible, and intelligent approach to enhance all issues in the context of digital asset delivery, even extending to the processing and distribution of digital content.

Product Features

  • A better transfer tool:
    • Unrestricted: Truly global, unlimited speed
    • Safer: End-to-end encryption, pixel-level sharing management, supports anonymous uploads
    • More affordable: Compared to other similar products, "We are cheaper when the rights are the same. We offer more rights when the price is the same."
  • More than just a transfer tool:
    • Space-based collaboration platform: Integrated storage and transfer, enabling collaboration among different members based on the owner's permission settings
    • AI platform based on digital assets: Enabling dialogue with assets through rich AI expansion assistance
    • Creator income platform based on sharing and transmission: Those who love to share should receive more benefits
    • Micro-portal based on digital asset distribution: The process of sharing and transmission is also a promotional process, and delivery is an important node for brand communication.

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